Grand Champion™ Clearfield Hybrid Sunflowers - Treated
Hybrid seeds produce a larger head and more seeds than traditional sunflowers. Planting works best in a wider row. It is recommended to use a Size 3 or 4 sunflower plate. Grand Champion Clearfield Hybrid Sunflowers can be sprayed with "BEYOND" herbicide, while other brands can not. Always read and follow all label directions.
Seeding Rate: 10 lbs. per acre
Planting Date: Spring
Weight: 10 lbs.
Can use BEYOND herbicide over the top of Clearfield sunflowers (but not other types) *** Always read and follow label directions ***
Usually a size 3 or 4 sunflower plate
For size 5, use 5 B-050-24 with a BFR-40 filler plate
25 lbs. bags available (plants 5-8 acres) upon request.